For the past week I've used Adobe photoshop and Adobe After Effects to make an animation of a bouncing ball. I made 3 versions of this animation, the first two include the ball bouncing up and down until it comes to a stop and hits the ground, which were made in Adobe Photoshop. I didn't really like using photoshop because I felt I wasn't really animating due to the fact photoshop wasn't made for animation. I made the third one on After Effects and i made it bound across the screen with a few alterations to it. I made the ball compress when it hit the ground and made it stretch when it started going up. It was a lot easier to make in Adobe After Effects because i felt like the tools were somewhat easier to use. It took a while to make the animation due to errors made in timing of the animation, but after using trial and error I eventually got it as close to " natural" as I could. I really enjoyed seeing the finished product, although it was a lot harder to make than I thought it would be.