Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Final: Special FX

Special Effects Final        

         For this project my group created a scene where josh was abducted by a UFO and taken to an alien planet. We filmed against a green screen so we could replace Josh's background in After Effects. Although the lighting could have been a little bit brighter, filming went well. Sierra was upstairs working on the UFO you see in this video. She used Maya to make it:
After filming, we took the footage and created a mask around Josh so he would blend in with the surroundings. There were a few problems encountered due to overexposure on Josh's face. All we did was trim the video and lower clip white to fix the problem. From there we just placed Josh in each scene. Sierra added a lights and a beam to the UFO to make it look like he was being transported into it. All was had to do from there was fade josh out as the light shone on him. During the shot where the spaceship was flying, all I did was have the background move while the saucer was in one place spinning, It was really simple to make and it turned out really cool.  Matt took screen shots of planets in Space Engine to provide us a variety of  backgrounds to choose from. We ended up going with this one:
The other backgrounds we used:

After that we touched it up by  adding sound effects and then we added a key light on Josh. This was an easy and fun project to make.  We could've done a little bit more with effects such as having Josh beamed down, but overall I am very satisfied with this project.