Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Multiplane landscape

For this project we worked on making a multi plane landscape. I had the idea of making a decent into an island. The animation came out okay, it was a little too fast and with the animation being a limit of 10 seconds, I really couldn't do that much to fix it because of the way i designed it. I learned how to merge layers, and how to make some layers move faster than others,  and how to directly drag in an image in photoshop. I also had the challenge of drawing in photoshop (whichI'm not very good at.) I feel if I had more time this would've turned out a lot better, but overall I learned a lot from this projects.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Character Animation

My character is a flying elephant
I wanted to make an elephant, but a regular elephant is boring so i decided to make it fly.

My goal wasn't to make my character walk, but to make him fly. I did have quite a bit of trouble  making the wings flap properly, but i eventually got to make them flap as best I could. I also encountered a problem with keyframe spacing, but that issue was quickly resolved. The way I made my keyframes was by pre composing the legs and the wings, and then parenting each object to different layers so the elephant would move all together. Then I added a null object to make the elephant move all together then I made the keyframes by dragging the elephant across the screen. i made the clouds move across the screen by adding one keyframe at the beginning and one at the end.
With making my character walk i learned the efficiency of pre-composing, how to hide layers that are not going to be changed, and I improved my timing and I learned how to parent objects together as well. One issue I had with making  my elephant walk was the timing between the actual movement and the wings, at one point they were off sync, and it looked really sloppy. If I could redo it i would definitely make it longer and not as rushed. I feel pretty good about my animation considering all the bugs and problems I encountered. It can definitely be improved.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


For this project I made an inchworm animation. This animation allowed me to learn how to use the puppet tool. It was fun to play with but a little bit tricky to learn how to make the movements natural.