Sunday, September 6, 2015

One Man Band

The animated short film, One Man Band,  created by Pixar tells the story of two musicians trying to win over the donation of a small child. The story was really well told. The plausible impossible played a huge role in this film, and it was fun to see how it all played out. There was no dialogue. The story was told in the entirely of music, actions, and facial expressions.

Examples of the plausible impossible in this film were the musicians, equipped with their arsenal of instruments, and the young child, with musical skills of Mozart. Toward the end of the film the child loses his gold coin that he/she was going to donate, takes a violin, and wins a bag FULL of gold coins. Realistically, that won't happen right away, but it was very funny to see it happen immediately because it led to lively expressions of jealousy from the musicians and it really moved the story forward. The sudden change in expression in all of the characters, especially in the child, were key in telling the story. The expressions allowed me as a view to really understand what the characters were feeling. I really like how Pixar exaggerated character elements and situations in this film. It gave the film a sense of humor and life. One element in the story that I want to apply in my future works was the use of facial expression. I love the way they were used and I really want to become a master in the area of facial rigging. One element in this project that I have already learned how to do is texturing and rigging the body as a whole. I enjoy doing both of these. Despite no dialogue, the creator told the story well using facial expressions. While 3 characters was enough to tell the story, I would've liked to see some bystanders in the story. I am curious to see how pixar would change the story then. Overall, I really enjoyed this Pixar short and it will be considered one of my favorites. I still remember watching this short after 10 years and I still really enjoy it. If you haven't already, give it a watch.

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