Pixels is a short animated film about the video game characters and elements essentially, "invading" the real world. The film doesn't have a set story, but rather sets up very well crafted senarios of invasion. There is an instance of the space invaders turning taxi cabs into pixels, and Pac-Man riding along the metro eating stations, as he would eat the white dots in the video game. The 3D aspect of this film is something I would really like to learn how to do. The pixel effect is a breath of fresh air, I've never seen anything like it. One thing I am assuming the creators did in the creation of this film is create masks to place the special effects, and I recently learned how to do that a couple of months ago. The effects and cinematography was very well done. However, I would like to see a fully-developed story made out of this concept that isn't Adam Sandler's sad excuse for an adaption. I look forward to onemoreproduction's future creations.
Jean, Patrick. "PIXELS / The Short Film." Vimeo. Onemoreprod, 10 Mar. 2010. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.
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